General News
14 February, 2024
Editorial: How far should local government stray from Roads, Rates and Rubbish?
IT is no big deal to change Australia Day from 26th January to some other date, as it is not that long ago that Australia Day was held on other dates. We forget that Australia is so young (from white man’s perspective) that it is not so entrenched as to make it indelible. The day marks the anniversary of the day Britain officially colonised Australia in 1788, the arrival of the First Fleet, but it was not until 1818 that Government employees were given a holiday on that day. Initially called Foundation Day, the fact that it was not until 1838 that the day became Australia Day, and it took nearly one hundred years for all states to declare the day Australia Day and not until 1994, only thirty years ago, that the entire country enjoyed a public holiday on this day.